Applications are open for next fall, September 15-October 13, 2024!
Applications for the WHWH Spring 2024 blended learning program are full!

We are thrilled to have 6 participants in our launch group! Stay tuned for lots of pictures and videos during our experiential work in March and April.
We've had quite a few inquiries about if we'll be doing this again and the answer is YES! We're planning for a fall 2024 group, as well. Their experiential work will be 9/15-10/13. If you're interested in participating, message me for info! The online modules are a significant time investment, so it works well to get an early start on them if you think you're going to want to participate in the Fall experiential session.
The Whole Horse-Whole Human program is a unique blended learning experience that combines 16 online modules with a month of hands on coaching and practice in Minden, NV. The WHWH program covers Natural Horse Care, LIMA (least intrusive minimally aversive) care, handling and tack choices, positive reinforcement focused training and lesson instruction, and the mental and emotional skills needed to be able to effectively work with horses and their humans.